"We chose the FLEXI program because given the financial years in NZ, we wanted to crack on at our own pace. The process is very intuitive, detailed and formulaic that you can't cut corners - that's always tempting to do in a small charity. It’s made us slow down and do lots of the backend tasks to really prepare ourselves well. We're looking forward to delighting some potential partners in the near future and creating some wonderful partnerships."
~ Katy Rowden, Good Bitches Baking Aotearoa New Zealand
BePartnerReady.com® FLEXI offers the same comprehensive, 7-Step process as the full program, but with complete flexibility. Access the entire course whenever it suits you, move through it at your own pace, dive into specific tools or modules as needed.
Whether you want to focus on specific steps or take a more fluid approach, FLEXI gives you the freedom to tailor the journey to your schedule.
What both programs have
- The 7-step process that’s enabled numerous changemakers to forge transactional multi-million dollar partnerships with corporates & brands
- 7 Action Modules, 23 videos, 24 lessons, easy-to use Templates, real world examples of documents, best practice examples of documents, Templates tailored for NZ and Australian market
- Three (3) Starter Kit guides
- Chat box for asking questions of Hailey & Georgia
- Shop for purchasing additional 1:1 consultancy time
- Invitations to ‘bonus’ calls (eg storytelling webinar, real world presentation of credentials presentation)
- Library full of bonus guides (storytelling, research, branding, pitching, managing partners + more)
- Program is applicable to both Australian and Aotearoa (New Zealand) changemakers with tailored Templates for each market
- Ability to add an additional student for $590 + GST
- Ability to extend access for a further year for $590 + GST