Corporate partners help non-profits & social enterprises Do More of what they Do Best – change the world.

We enable changemakers to get ready for – and win - those corporate partners. 

Corporate partners help non-profits & social enterprises Do More of what they Do Best – change the world.

We enable changemakers to get ready for – and win - those corporate partners. 

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“This program helped me win 5 new Corporate Partners injecting $2.6m untied income & $1m for anti-bullying campaigning." 

 - Janet Grima, CEO, Bully Zero 


“This program helped me win 5 new Corporate Partners injecting $2.6m untied income & $1m for anti-bullying campaigning." 

- Janet Grima, CEO, Bully Zero  

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If you’re a changemaker working within a non-profit organisation or social enterprise, in Australia or NZ, and you want to multiply your societal impact with the help of corporate partners, you’ve come to the right place!® is the most credentialed, robust and results-oriented online training program you’ll find. The program delivers a 7-step process that gets you focused, in action and ready to pitch to corporate partners – and win. Don’t just take our word for it, check out our testimonials and success stories.


You’re Ready to embark on a corporate partnerships strategy? 

Fabulous, read on.

Not sure if you’re Ready for corporate partnerships? 

No worries, we have heaps of juicy resources to advance your learning and help you gain clarity.  We’d recommend as a first step, calculating your Readiness score by completing our free Readiness Q&A

Also check out our free events, infographics, blog, media articles, and research.

Already on the journey and wanting a sense check?

You’ll find plenty of resources here. We’d recommend checking out our workshops where you can walk away with your brand valued and a suspects list, webinars and our Readiness Q&A will give you absolute clarity about your state of readiness.

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CALCULATE YOUR READINESS® is designed to get you Ready to win those large, transformative yet often illusive corporate partnerships.

It helps you to win sponsors too, but partners are far more lucrative, so we place our focus there. If you’d like to understand our philosophy and model, why not attend one of our free webinars, or watch a past one in your own time. 

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Readiness is vital

It’s no secret that securing corporate partners is challenging, and let’s face it, there’s a lot that can go wrong. Failing to secure a partner after months of hard work is one thing but securing the wrong partner – well, that can result in burn-out, over-servicing, lost reputation, an irreversibly damaged brand and your career down the toilet.

After the past few years, it’s possible that the demand for your service has increased, whilst funding may have decreased.

Our research* indicates strongly that corporates WILL step up. They’ll want to partner with progressive, impactful changemakers for win-win outcomes. There will be no room for feel-good handouts.

No matter how clever or hardworking you are, or how many leads you have or pitches you make, the only thing standing between you and success is your state of readiness.

*Conscious Consumer Research Report, 2023

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“Doing this program impacted me profoundly. I learned & implemented practical tools, not available elsewhere.

I secured a 6-figure partner instantly and I continue to have fruitful discussions with two more significant players.”

Brendan Hopp, CEO, School Fun Run 2020


“Doing this program impacted me profoundly. I learned & implemented practical tools, not available elsewhere.

I secured a 6-figure partner instantly and I continue to have fruitful discussions with two more significant players.”

Brendan Hopp, CEO, School Fun Run 2020

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To win corporate partnerships...

You must be ready - to present a compelling proposition, to the right person, at the right company, at the right time, at the right price point.

If you’re not getting results with your current corporate partnerships strategy, throwing more time or money at it isn’t the answer. Or perhaps you haven’t started yet because you’re not sure where to begin.

How would you feel if you could follow a well-trodden roadmap that not only gets you ready, but enables you to pitch – and win – corporate partners & sponsors in under a year?

Partners that transform your organisation with their skills, resources, cash, mass-market reach and business savvy. A partner that doesn’t drain your resources, but enables you to Be More and Do More of what you do best – change the world.

Just imagine having more headspace to concentrate on other aspects of your job. The freedom to actually leave work on time, to enjoy things you love – whether it’s bingeing on Netflix, playing sport, walking the dog, cooking up a feast or soaking up that podcast you’ve been dying to get to.

If the past few years taught us anything, it’s that time is precious and life’s just too short to go around in circles without getting results!


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Our proven 7 Step process

Keen to know our process? Download the Infographic detailing each step. If you’d like our explanation of each step, watch a recent (30 minute) webinar here.

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“I didn’t know much about corporate partnerships at the start of my career, and thankfully I found the® process. It was one of the best professional development courses I’ve ever done, and over the past decade I’ve used it to embed a corporate partnerships strategy across four diverse non-profits, including now at WWF-Australia.”

~ Sophie Davidson, Development Director, WWF Australia

Forging 6-figure corporate partnerships is absolutely do-able.

We're super confident because we've done precisely that – for over two decades. Co-Founder Hailey Cavill-Jaspers is a corporate partnerships pioneer. In addition to building over 50 partnerships for corporate blue chips like Disney, Vodafone, Mondelez and Seek (to name a few), investing over $45 million into the social sector, she has translated her insights into robust, relevant and practical tools & training for changemakers from non-profits & social enterprises. You'll see some of them here, but plenty more at Testimonials and Success Stories

The Proof is in the Pudding

You’re after real world results right? Hailey first trialed her physical modular training program (The HeartSmart® Toolkit) in 2006 with Lifeline Australia. They secured 5 partners investing over $7m (of which $5m was cash).

Success wasn’t isolated to Lifeline. Since then, many changemakers have won corporate partners, across many sectors. Success came to medical research institutes (WEHI & Murdoch Children’s Research Institute), conservation groups (Conservation Volunteers, Greening Australia and Conservation Ecology Centre), health organisations (CanTeen, Fred Hollows Heart Foundation, CareFlight, and School Fun Run), animal charities (Guide Dogs Australia and PetRescue), aid agencies (Oxfam) to name a few. You’ll see these stories here

In 2020 Hailey founded® with millennial Georgia McIntosh, and together they turned a physical toolkit into an online training program. 14 years of real world road-testing is now available in an easy to follow online program – accessible from anywhere.

Watch the serendipitous meeting of Hailey and Georgia here


Changemakers participating in® are already seeing results. Bully Zero are now negotiating their 5th partnership and have truly transformed in the process, and Conservation Volunteers Australia went from transactional corporate relationships to genuine corporate partnerships, with BUPA Foundation.

“® was critical to our success in securing new brand-aligned partnerships – including the Bupa Foundation, secured in 2021.

The robust process has enabled us to reposition our partnership offer, thanks to hands-on tools that we continue to utilise today”

Geraldine Rep, Strategic Partnerships Director, Conservation Volunteers Australia


“® was critical to our success in securing new brand-aligned partnerships – including the Bupa Foundation, secured in 2021.

The robust process has enabled us to reposition our partnership offer, thanks to hands-on tools that we continue to utilise today”

Geraldine Rep, Strategic Partnerships Director, Conservation Volunteers Australia


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Winning corporate partners has little to do with how well-known your organisation is, or how many connections your board has.


The good news is, you CAN get ready and you don’t need to worry about where to start, because we’ve mapped it all out for you. From whoa to go. As we’ve been refining this over 15 years in the real world, with organisations just like you, we believe we’ve thought of (almost!) everything you’ll need.

There’s no secret elixir to success, there’s no magic formula, it doesn’t happen overnight. We don’t offer a quick-fix; we teach a process that – when you embed it within your organisation – will result in long-term, sustainable success.


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"Hailey & G are straight shooters & motivating. The 1:1 care given & resources are superb. Investing in this program is worth its weight in gold."

~ Amanda Rees, Te Pou Theatre Trust, NZ® - the nitty gritty


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Don’t die wondering...where to start

Stop flailing around, agonising over where to start or whether what you're doing is going to make any difference. With seven monthly modules, containing clearly explained steps, easy-to-use templates and real-world examples, you’ll be able to leap into action straight away.

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Get the Boss or Board off your back

Put an end to awkward meetings with the Boss or Board explaining why you don’t have corporates on board, why you’re not ‘out there selling’ or why (gulp) you don’t have the skills and results – despite being a highly accomplished professional! You’ll be able to reassure them with a roadmap and show progress, so they’ll let you get on with it.

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Secure the right partner, not just any old partner

No more worrying that you’ll ‘sell yourself to the devil’ or you’ll negotiate a deal that doesn’t serve your organisation. No more wasted meetings with corporates where you come out going WJH? (that’s What Just Happened?) and then a long, frustrating dance with no outcome. When you approach the right partner, sparks fly, and magic happens. We get you to the sparks quicker and give you your box of magic tricks (well, practical tools, actually).


Is This Program Right For You?

Is This Program Right For You?

Let's find out.

First, you need to know three vitally important things about®.
Placeholder Image® is an online learning course, but it’s so much more than that; it’s an implementation program. It’s not something you just skim through as ‘professional development’ and then forget; it’s a deeply practical process that is designed for a non-profit organisation or social enterprise – led by an individual, possibly you – and for organisational implementation. You cannot do this program alone in your office, or at home – you must bring your whole organisation along for the ride; it involves and benefits you all. The materials that you’ll develop along the way will be for all of you, and it’ll be your team and organisation you’ll be pitching at the end.

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The program is robust and meticulous and has been designed to work for almost any organisation, small or large, global or local, super-brand or unknown. Organisations like Conservation Ecology Centre, PetRescue and Kids Under Cover have enjoyed incredible results (not heard of them? There you go, they are not super-brands!). Complex global and federated organisations like Oxfam and Lifeline Australia also continue to enjoy success from this program. Yes, you’re unique, but that doesn’t make you un-partnerable.

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We’ve talked a lot about the importance of readiness. As we’ve been immersed in this process for over two decades, we have a deep understanding of what makes an organisation truly ‘ready’ and our experience has taught us that there are two distinct levels of readiness:

  • Organisational Readiness and
  • Partner Readiness® helps you achieve Partner Readiness, and therefore we can only offer the Program to organisations that are first organisationally ready. If your organisation is not yet equipped to embark on a Corporate Partnerships Strategy, then your risk of failure is high. It’s absolutely essential that you are ready, as an organisation, and properly prepared to take this exciting step together.

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So, to confirm...

If seeking out and winning long-term corporate partnerships is what you want to achieve, we’ve devised an easy-to-complete, yet powerful Readiness Q&A.

This will help you discover whether your organisation is well positioned to embark on this journey with us. 

We know how precious time & money is, and we don’t want you to waste any of it. 

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What's Inside?

What's Inside?

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The® program includes seven detailed Action Modules

Written by Hailey, they include all her knowledge, tips & shortcuts after spending 29 years building 50 major corporate-cause partnerships in Australia. Also, countless real-world examples, easy-to use templates and a best-practice example for each of the seven Action Module outputs.

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Three STARTER Kit Guides to help you prepare your resources & schedule, create your team, set your ‘Intention’ and learn all about the corporate sector

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Seven ACTION Kit Module booklets for each of the monthly steps of the process

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Best practice examples of all Module outputs

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Real world examples from former students across Australia and NZ

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Instructional VIDEOS from Hailey & Georgia to help you avoid the pitfalls

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Hints & tips VIDEOS from non-profits & social enterprises across Australia and NZ at each step

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Easy to use, time-saving TEMPLATES so you can get into action straight away

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Plus, a Library full of BONUS guides (storytelling, corporate structures, branding, e-books, research reports, infographics, pitching, sponsorship, managing partnerships)

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LIVE group COACHING & Q&A each month with Hailey & Georgia

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Access to Hailey’s private stash of TOOLS that’ll get you to corporate partnership mastery - fast.

Want a Sneak Peek? 

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Because we KNOW you’re going to love this online program, it’s ridiculously friendly & easy to use, we’re going to let you in for a peek! 

Our free trial guides you through a process to draft an Intention for Corporate Partners & Sponsors that align with, and support, your organisation's Vision & Mission. Aren't they the best kind of partners? 

The trial includes an instructional video, Template & best practice example to help you get it right. 

All it takes is 60 - 120 minutes to give it a go. By the end of it you’ll have greater clarity on why you want corporate partners, knowledge on how to set an Intention and SMART goals, and an insight into how good the online program is!


What's the investment? 

Enrolment for the full 2025 program opens 1 November. 

The 2025 program will be open for registration in early November. If you cannot wait until then, check out our new Flexi program.  

Investment for the full program is $4,300 + GST. Investment for the Flexi program is $3,300 + GST.


 Registration is for one student only. Colleagues can upskill with you, at $590 + GST per student. 

There are two payment options -  upfront in full, or a 7-month payment plan. Registration closes on 1 May 2025. 

   Start your transformation by calculating your readiness score here!

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'Swoop In' early bird

$3,655 + GST

Register for 2025

 15% saving 

Valid: 1 November - 31 January 2025


Early bird

$3,870 + GST

One Time Payment

10% saving 


Valid: 1 February - 31 March 2025


Full price

$4,300 + GST

One Time Payment

Due upon registration


Valid: 1 April - 1 May 2025


Payment plan

$675 + GST

7 monthly instalments

 1st instalment upon registration, 7 instalments in total

Valid: 1 April - 1 May 2025


All prices in AUD. 



Enrol in the 2025 program and you’ll also get these BONUS FREEBIES!

  • Hailey’s 2019 eBook Talking the Walk®2 – to help you communicate your partnerships
  • Free Conscious Consumer Reports, 2023 and 2021, with compelling statistics proving consumers will switch brands to support a cause
  • Bonus booklet detailing the different Generations – z, x, millennials – and what influences them to buy and donate
  • Bonus booklet on the Power of Storytelling
  • Bonus Managing Corporate Partnerships Guide with Templates
  • For students who are organisationally ready (according to our Readiness Q&A, scoring a ‘green’ rating) we offer a ‘BeHappy 100% Money Back Guarantee’
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Our hope is that you and your organisation will be radically transformed throughout the process of embracing AND IMPLEMENTING the® process. We also expect you to give it your 100% best effort, that’s what the 100% is – it’s a two-way street.  That’s why in order to be eligible for our 'BeHappy 100% Money Back Guarantee' you must submit proof that you did the course work in accordance with our Guides & Templates.  If you do - and implement – all seven Modules, and still feel that the program hasn’t delivered, we’ll happily refund your fee. 

To be clear, if you do not include your completed Modules within 12 months of enrolment, no refund will be issued. Read the fine print below so that we’re all on the same page.

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The® process works.

It’s been producing stunning results in Australia for two decades. Hear from past students:

We had some strong sponsorships for Oxfam Trailwalker, but it was motivated by staff engagement.  We’d never nailed a pure consumer marketing-based partnership. Having been through this process and applying it in the real world, I can see why.  We now have a much clearer value proposition for potential partners AND sponsors, and we signed up a partner straight out of the gate” 

~ Joe Manger, Former Corporate Partnerships Co-ordinator, Oxfam Australia

“One of the valuable things Hailey taught us was how to place a $ value on our brand.  This enabled us to sign up two major players in Woolworths & PetStock which have transformed our ability to do more – to get rescue animals into loving homes.  As a tiny organisation we don’t have time to waste. Your investment will not only save you time but even better, it’ll get you results”

~ John Bishop (JB), Founder, PetRescue




“Within a month of graduating I secured 2 sponsors for our major awareness campaign ‘Lace Up against Social Violence’: $140k in cash, $500k of in-kind creative, digital, marketing channels & ad placement. This was the biggest & best campaign ever with unprecedented activation & reach through football clubs as well as reaching millions of Australians with our message. This was my first time pitching to corporates and I nailed it using this process”

~ Anna O’Halloran, Former CEO, Step Back Think


Let's Sum It Up!

The process within the® program has produced consistent results for organisations of all shapes & sizes, large & small, for 20+ years. Without exaggeration it’s been behind many of the partnerships that you know and admire, transferring millions of dollars into the social sector.

Students tap into the wisdom & experience of Australia’s most successful corporate-cause partnership matchmaker, and author of the process - Hailey Cavill-Jaspers. Students are nurtured through the program by Co-Founder Georgia McIntosh, who has run the program for 5 years.

  • 3 Starter Kit Guides to fast-track your knowledge of the corporate sector (including understanding their lingo)

  • 7 Modules & grab-and-go, timesaving Templates, real world examples of Module outputs & best practice example

  • Heaps of Bonus Guides

  • At least 10 live group coaching & Q&A calls throughout the program

  • Bonus webinars from guest speakers on branding, narrative, storytelling, creating a compelling video
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Your Alternatives?

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Outsource to a consultant. 

They may charge you thousands of dollars to just understand your organisation, whereas you already know it.

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Hire a commission-only broker to ‘tread the boards’ for you. 

Not only is this against the ethics of the FIA Code of Practice, but you’ll forever have to pay that broker and they will ‘own’ the corporate relationship.

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Hire a highly experienced corporate partnerships professional...

With the salary to go with it, who’ll take 7 months to get their feet under the table, by which time YOU could have been trained up and be ‘Pitch ready’.

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Don’t get us wrong, we LOVE consultants (we ARE consultants!).

It just really isn’t the most cost effective (or effective, full stop) way of embedding a process into your organisation that will reap results for years to come. We believe in sharing our knowledge to build capacity across the non-profit & social enterprise sector. Knowledge you can access in YOUR time, from the comfort of your home or office, when it works for YOU.

Enrolment for the full 2025 program opens 1 November. 

The 2025 program will be open for registration in early November.  If you cannot wait until then, check out our new Flexi program.  

Investment for the full program is $4,300 + GST. Investment for the Flexi program is $3,300 + GST.


 Registration is for one student only. Colleagues can upskill with you, at $590 + GST per student. 

There are two payment options -  upfront in full, or a 7-month payment plan. Registration closes on 1 May 2025. 

   Start your transformation by calculating your readiness score here!

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'Swoop In' early bird

$3,655 + GST

Register for 2025

 15% saving 

Valid: 1 November - 31 January 2025


Early bird

$3,870 + GST

One Time Payment

10% saving 


Valid: 1 February - 31 March 2025


Full price

$4,300 + GST

One Time Payment

Due upon registration


Valid: 1 April - 1 May 2025


Payment plan

$675 + GST

7 monthly instalments

1st instalment upon registration, 7 instalments in total

Valid: 1 April - 1 May 2025


All prices in AUD. 


Still On The Fence?

Still On The Fence?

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Check out our testimonials and success stories
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Unsure how to convince the boss or Board?:

Share this video of Board Members & CEOs talking about their experience of®.® is methodical, logical and there’s no comparison to it in the market. If you’re a corporate partnerships executive trying to meet your organisation’s corporate partner goals, then this is the process for you. It will walk you through from start to finish and get you rewards".

~ Jo Booth, Corporate Partnerships, The Smith Family

"As a small social enterprise, we have limited time and resources, so it was fantastic to have a step by step guide to winning corporate partners that really was the perfect recipe for success".

~ Patricia Scheetz, Founder of The Sweetest Gift


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One last thing

A corporate partner is far more than just a ‘funder’, a line item in the budget.

One last thing

A corporate partner is far more than just a ‘funder’, a line item in the budget.
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A corporate partner can enhance ALL facets of your organisation so that you can Do More of what you do best.

Very few fundraising strategies can bring so many rich & diverse rewards. When did a bequest program increase your organisation’s awareness, reach thousands if not millions of potential new donors and attract high calibre-talent? When did your grants program provide you with millions of dollars of UNTIED funding to pay for overheads & development so that more of your donations go to where they’re meant to go?

It’s very likely that society is demanding more from your organisation and a corporate partner can help you Be More, so that you really can Do More.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Download this free infographic that details the 7 benefits of a corporate partnership.

Enrolment for the full 2025 program opens 1 November. 

The 2025 program will be open for registration in early November. If you cannot wait until then, check out our new Flexi program.  

Full investment is $4,300 + GST. Investment for the Flexi program is $3,300 + GST.


 Registration is for one student only. Colleagues can upskill with you, at $590 + GST per student. 

There are two payment options -  upfront in full, or a 7-month payment plan. Registration closes on 1 May 2025. 

   Start your transformation by calculating your readiness score here!

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'Swoop In' early bird

$3,655 + GST

Register for 2025

 15% saving 

Valid: 1 November - 31 January 2025


Early bird

$3,870 + GST

One Time Payment

10% saving 


Valid: 1 February - 31 March 2025


Full price

$4,300 + GST

One Time Payment

Due upon registration


Valid: 1 April - 1 May 2025


Payment plan

$675 + GST

7 monthly instalments

1st instalment upon registration, 7 instalments in total

Valid: 1 April - 1 May 2025


All prices in AUD. 


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Got a question?


A word from past graduates

Hear from over 50 of our past students about their experience of the program


A word from past graduates

Hear from over 50 of our past students about their experience of the program



Brandan Hopp

“When I pitched to a leading health insurer, the head of sponsorship said that he got 20 approaches a week from non-profits and rarely did he read them or respond, let alone meet. He was so impressed with my approach and how well I understood his brand. We are now in negotiation for a multi-million-dollar partnership for 2021!”

~ Brendan Hopp, CEO, School Fun Run

Jonathan Duddles

"Greening Australia was just reactive – as a lot of companies want to partner with an environmental organisation. We’ve built the process into our existing partnerships to make them better (Virgin, Officeworks & Accor) and we identified companies that were not even on our radar, such as skincare brand Sukin, who we signed up in 2018”

~ Jonathan Duddles, former Director of Development, Greening Australia

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“We signed 5 corporate partners for multi-year deals worth $2.6m - J&J, Snooze, Kay & Burton, SPC & Vaalia. This untied funding was crucial to seed fund new research and the vast retail exposure provided by our partners lifted our brand awareness and all fundraising results”

~ Narelle Curtis, former head of fundraising, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

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“This process brought clarity to an otherwise complex area of fundraising. We hadn’t had much success in corporate partnerships, and we wanted a clear roadmap.  Within a few short months I secured Territory Generation, the  leading electricity provider in the NT, which provided $750,000 to help us save more lives in a vast and remote part of Australia”

~ Janine Birch, former Relationship Development Manager, CareFlight NT® acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land where we work, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage beliefs and relationship with the land. We also pay our respects to the Elders past present and future.

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