Uncategorized Apr 09, 2020

At a time when our entire world is forcing us to retract and distance ourselves, as we prepare for an inevitable economic recession, we’re inviting you to Do More and Be More. This might seem a little audacious, but there’s some very good reasons why now is an excellent time to embrace this.

As we reflect on what’s important, I strongly believe that one silver lining to come out of this crisis will be the realisation that we can get by with less. Some will grieve the loss of liberty and our past abundant lifestyle. Others will be grieving the loss of loved ones. As we strip away all the labels and trinkets, appreciate the beauty of nature and the human spirit, we’ll become better versions of ourselves. We will become more of who we really are. Put simply, people will become MORE of their authentic selves.

It’s an extraordinary time, where resources may appear to be scarce, we’re being asked to work in new ways and adapt to a new normal. As the...

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